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World Ranger Day

Press Release – 31st July 2019

By Love Africa marketing, Game Rangers Association of Africa and SATIB.

R1 a day to protect our Wildlife Rangers

Protecting our wildlife across Africa is no longer what it used to be. With the increasing threat of armed poachers and militia groups, over 1000 rangers have lost their lives in the line of duty in the past 10 years. According to records kept by the International Ranger Federation (IRF) and Game Rangers Association of Africa (GRAA), 57 African rangers have died since 31st of July 2018.
Just last year, 769 rhino and 72 elephants were poached in South Africa and often by sophisticated criminal syndicates. The brave men and woman working to protect these animals are under threat on a daily basis. They operate in extreme environments, and in their efforts to protect our natural heritage, face the risks associated with dangerous wild animals, sickness and community backlash.
“As rangers we pride ourselves in preserving our natural heritage, being the voice of the voiceless and taking care of the master’s creation.” Eric Madamalala, who works in Limpopo Transfrontier Park – Mozambique and GRAA Executive member.
In Africa, a WWF survey conducted found that 40% of rangers were not covered by health insurance, 50% had no life insurance and 60% had no long-term disability insurance.

Biodiversity and thriving ecosystems provide both tangible and intangible benefits to society and rangers play a crucial role in ensuring healthy ecosystems. it is therefore of great importance that rangers receive all the support necessary to perform their duties within these challenging environments.

With this in mind, the GRAA partnered with SATIB Insurance brokers to create a unique product for rangers across Africa, offering cover 24/7, even when rangers are off duty.

Ranger Protect was launched and aims to garner financial support to ensure the well-being of Africa’s rangers and their families through the provision of adequate insurance cover in the event of injury or death. Medical evacuation cover also ensures rangers have peace of mind that should an emergency arise they will receive support.

“We recognise that for rangers to confidently perform their duties in the field, they need adequate insurance protection, knowing that if they are wounded in the line of duty that they will receive adequate support. Apart from their own welfare, rangers also seek to have their families supported, should an unfortunate event occur. We have been on a long road to develop insurance plans for rangers across Africa at a rate that rangers can afford.” Andre du Toit, Director – SATIB Insurance Brokers.

There are an estimated 30 000 rangers in Africa.

“It is imperative that rangers are protected. Rangers are the guardians of wilderness and conservation areas and we need all role players in the wildlife economy to do the right thing, act now and support rangers.” Andrew Campbell, Chief Executive Officer – GRAA.

Covers are currently available for rangers in South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda with further territories being introduced in time.

This World Ranger Day help our rangers by sponsoring their insurance for a year. It will cost you just R362! That is less than R1 per day.
The cost of each ranger is as follows:
1. Ranger Protect premium – ZAR272 / $20
2. GRAA field ranger membership – ZAR90 / $6
Total cost per year: ZAR362.00 / $26

Ranger Protect:
Game Rangers Association:
Love Africa Marketing:
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Banner Image of Rhino By Peter Chadwick

Feature Image By Chris Galliers